Welcome to the Health and Safety Protocol page of HMS AlUla.

At HMS AlUla, we prioritize the safety and well-being of all individuals involved in our construction and conservation projects. Our site safety measures are designed to address the unique challenges presented by the conservation of earthen heritage buildings and ensure a secure environment for workers and visitors alike.


–  Site Safety

Construction sites where earthen heritage buildings are conserved require extra caution due to the increased risk of accidents caused by the fragility of the structures. Therefore, active participation in safety awareness and accident prevention is crucial for all stakeholders, including site workers and visitors. To ensure safety on our construction sites, we adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Compliance with Saudi regulations: We strictly follow the regulations set by the Saudi authorities regarding health and safety in construction sites.
  2. Coordinator of security, safety, and protection: We appoint a dedicated coordinator responsible for overseeing security, safety, and protection measures on-site.
  3. Training and informing stakeholders: We provide comprehensive training and information sessions to all stakeholders, ensuring they are aware of the site-specific requirements and safety protocols.
  4. Stakeholder involvement in risk prevention: We encourage the active participation of all stakeholders in identifying and preventing potential risks.
  5. Organized construction activities: The project managers, in collaboration with the security coordinator, organize and coordinate all construction activities to ensure a systematic and safe working environment. 

– Site Signage

Prior to the commencement of conservation work, we install security signs near the entrances of the construction site. These signs serve multiple purposes: limiting access to authorized personnel only, informing visitors about potential risks, and raising awareness about safety precautions. The security signs include messages such as:

  1. “No admittance for unauthorized personnel”
  2. “This is a hard hat area. Protective footwear must be worn”
  3. “Use ear protectors”
  4. “High visibility jackets must be worn”

–  Site Access

To maintain safe and efficient site access, we implement the following measures:

  1. Sizing access routes: Access routes and passages are designed to accommodate wheelbarrows and small tractors while complying with Saudi hazard evacuation standards. Unstable areas are avoided.
  2. Route maintenance: The contractor is responsible for regular maintenance of the access routes, ensuring safe movement and prompt removal of debris from the site.
  3. Clear signage: Access routes, including the site entrance, are clearly marked with signs that are easily visible to all personnel. These signs indicate directions and provide essential information.
  4. Marking hazardous areas: Hazardous areas and specific locations, such as electricity panels, hazardous substance storage, and muster points, are clearly marked with colored signs in both Arabic and English languages.

 – Building Site Fencing

To secure the construction area effectively, we implement the following measures:

  1. Temporary fencing: A temporary fence is installed at the main gate, completely enclosing the pilot project area. Access to the site is strictly prohibited for individuals not involved in the project.
  2. Consideration of accessibility and proximity: The site fencing plan takes into consideration the accessibility of the site and the proximity of the area for materials supply and storage. It ensures an optimal layout for efficient operations.
  3. Selection criteria: The fencing system is selected based on adaptability, flexibility, use of local materials and techniques, appropriateness for historical sites, non-intrusiveness, ease of installation, cost-effectiveness, durability, reusability, and visibility.

– Clearing and Removing Debris

To maintain a clean and organized work environment, we follow proper debris management protocols:

  1. Timely removal of waste: Waste materials and debris generated during site clearing and conservation works are regularly removed and unloaded at authorized garbage dumps with the necessary permissions from AlUla municipality.
  2. Safe storage: Adequate and safe storage areas are designated for collecting and sorting assets and artifacts. Reusable materials

At HMS AlUla, we take the health and safety of our workforce and visitors seriously. Our commitment to creating a secure environment is unwavering, and we leave no stone unturned when it comes to implementing robust safety measures. From strict compliance with Saudi regulations to appointing dedicated coordinators, providing comprehensive training, and actively involving all stakeholders in risk prevention, we go above and beyond to ensure that everyone involved in our projects feels protected. Our focus on safety extends to every aspect, including site signage, site access, building site fencing, and debris management. By prioritizing health and safety, we aim to set a benchmark for excellence in the industry and contribute to the preservation of AlUla’s unique heritage.


Member of the Chamber of Commerce (203011143162)

Commercial registration (4651102902) 

Member of the Saudi Council of Engineers (148114818) 

Member of the Saudi Contractors Authority (2022000863)    

Diriyah Gate Development Authority qualification (78841555)

© HMS Alula 2023