At the Heritage Department of HMS AlUla, we are dedicated to preserving and enhancing the cultural legacy of AlUla through our range of specialized heritage works. With unmatched expertise and a deep passion for conservation, our team focuses on stabilizing, restoring, and repurposing historic structures to ensure they withstand the test of time. Utilizing cutting-edge techniques and state-of-the-art tools, our highly skilled experts work diligently to preserve the rich cultural heritage of AlUla for future generations. We follow internationally recognized guidelines and recommendations, including the Venice Charter, UNESCO Charter, and Terra Conference Recommendations, which guide our approach to heritage conservation. Respecting authenticity is at the core of our conservation philosophy, and we strive to strike a delicate balance between preservation and the requirements of modern life. Our non-intrusive interventions minimize the impact on the original structure while still allowing for visible distinctions between old and new elements. Reversibility is a key consideration, ensuring that our interventions can be easily undone without damaging the site. We prioritize the use of original materials and traditional techniques, as they are essential for maintaining the integrity of the historic site. Through ongoing monitoring, maintenance, and repair, we ensure the long-term conservation of AlUla's heritage. Our commitment extends beyond preservation; we aim to create an environment where the cultural legacy of AlUla can thrive and be appreciated by visitors from around the world. At the Heritage Department of HMS AlUla, we take great pride in our heritage works, as they play a vital role in safeguarding AlUla's rich history and traditions. Join us in our mission to protect and celebrate AlUla's cultural legacy. Get in touch with us today to make a lasting impact on heritage preservation. Together, let's inspire and captivate generations to come.Contact the Heritage Department of HMS AlUla now.


Member of the Chamber of Commerce (203011143162)

Commercial registration (4651102902) 

Member of the Saudi Council of Engineers (148114818) 

Member of the Saudi Contractors Authority (2022000863)    

Diriyah Gate Development Authority qualification (78841555)

© HMS Alula 2023